By leveraging the power of LoRaWAN technology, the EM114039-01 and EM114039-02 energy meters provide a cost-effective, reliable, and efficient solution for modern energy management.
1.Product Introduction
EM114039-01 and EM114039-02 both 2 models have the following similarities:
Both are single-phase smart electricity meters.
Both support LoRaWAN and TTL communication.
Both are MID-compliant.
Small in size, high in accuracy, low in power consumption, stable in performance, and easy to install.
Antenna Optional
Wide application like Smart Buildings, Smart City etc IOT Application,Utility Smart Metering Infrastructure
EM114039-01 and EM114039-02 both 2 models have the following differences:
EM114039-02 supports credit prepayment, energy prepayment, and postpaid modes. EM114039-01 supports postpaid only
EM114039-01 supports bidirectional metering, yet EM114039-02 not
The impulse constant is 1600imp/kwh and 1000imp/kwh
EM114039-02 with overcurrent disconnect, but EM114039-01 does not
2.Comparation Sheet
4.When to Choose EM114039-01 vs. EM114039-02
Ideal for:
Applications requiring bidirectional energy metering (e.g., renewable energy generation, battery storage).
Situations where postpaid billing is sufficient.
Installations where overcurrent disconnection is not a critical safety requirement.
Key Advantages:
Supports bidirectional metering, enabling accurate measurement of both energy consumption and generation.
Offers flexibility in terms of impulse constant (1600imp/kWh).
Ideal for:
Applications requiring prepayment metering options (credit or energy).
Installations where overcurrent protection is essential.
Situations where a simpler, more cost-effective solution is preferred.
Key Advantages:
Supports prepayment modes, providing greater control over energy consumption.
Includes overcurrent disconnection for enhanced safety.