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A guide to understand MID and the German Eichrecht standard

Author: YiWei66 Time: Apr. 08, 2024 Classify: 2024


In Germany, the EU’s MID standard is refined further via Eichrecht regulations (formally referenced as the “Mess- und Eichgesetz” – aka., Measurement and Calibration Law, with history dating back to 1988.)According to the specifications of the German Calibration Regulation (Eichordnung), manufacturers can certify the conformity of volumetric measuring devices to the requirements of the German Calibration Regulation since 12.08.1988. The specifications of the German Calibration Regulation, Annex 12 and DIN 12600, in which the conformity testing procedure is described, form the basis in this respect.

MID is EU(European Parliament & Council)Measuring Instruments Directive. In 2004, the MID provided an initial harmonized framework for the design and manufacture of measuring instruments across the EU to ensure accuracy and reliability in measurements.Among the goals of MID was facilitating a common market so that measuring instruments approved in one EU country would be recognized across the entire EU, enhancing cross-border trade efficiency.  The Directive was officially communicated by the European Union on 30 April 2004 and made it mandatory on 30 October 2006. From 31 March 2004 to 30 April 2006, all EU Member States have 25 months to implement the MID Directive in their countries.The emergence of electromobility and multiple billing models for EV charging prompted a significant revision which took effect on January 1, 2015.


1.MID= Measuring Instruments Directive, and it was born in 2004 but took effect in 2006, revision for ev charging in 2015.

2.German Eichrecht standard=Eichrecht regulations=“Mess- und Eichgesetz” = Measurement and Calibration Law=German Calibration Regulation, it’s not new and it was born in 1988



 While MID provides a broad regulatory framework applying across EU member states, Eichrecht tailors its standardization principles more specifically to the German market, focusing intensely on accuracy, transparency, and consumer trust.

Together, these regulatory frameworks represent essential pillars for guiding the measurement instrument industry towards precision, reliability, and technological advancement. Their relationship signifies a cohesive effort to align broader European standards with more localized, specific regulatory needs, ensuring a balanced, well-regulated measurement instrument market. There are of course differences; specifically, it is important to note that complying with MID does not automatically imply compliance with Eichrecht.


1. Regional Direction:MID to  EU member states,Eichrecht specifically to the German market

2. Definition:MID compliant ≠ German eichrecht compliant




MID approved meter, means the manufacturer passed the test of SGS lab and obtain Module B+ Module D (not always B+D, sometime module )Once the requirements of the directive have been met, you can apply the CE mark to your products. At the same time, you can also start using the MID metrology mark plus 2-digit year of manufacture, you also need to show Registration number of the notified lab body and manufacturer’s name and product reference, i.e., the meter’s serial number. 

However the conformity certificate is required for volumetric measuring devices used in the area regulated by law. Conformity certificates can only be issued for Class A and AS volumetric measuring devices.Compliance with the requirements of the German Calibration Regulation and the relevant product standard is indicated by an "H". This label is applied directly to the product or, alternatively, on the packaging.


1. Marks:MID=CE+metrology mark plus 2-digit year of manufacture+approving notified body references number.German Calibration Regulation and the relevant product standard is indicated by an "H"

2. MID certification body is mostly SGS, and the German Calibration Regulation is mostly PTB

A guide to understanding MID and the German Eichrecht standard


Eichrecht specifics

Within Europe, Eichrecht is currently the strictest calibration law. It requires charge point operators (CPOs) and electric mobility service providers (EMSPs) to ensure that their prices are “reasonable, easily and clearly comparable, transparent and non-discriminatory.” What this means, in practice, is that EV drivers need to be able to precisely view their energy consumption and clearly understand how they have been invoiced. It also requires charging station manufacturers to go through a rigorous certification process that guarantees their hardware and software are accurately calibrated to measure electricity consumption.

Transparency and Precision

Each charging point will now have a visible kWh measurement meter which will be registered and periodically calibrated. Charging tariffs can only be based on kWh consumption, meaning time-based and flat-rate session fees are not permitted. EV drivers can easily check the kWh reading on the display or actual kWh meter device and confirm it on their e-mobility app or web interface, ensuring clear and transparent billing processes. In addition to calibration precision, Eichrecht also provides guidance for other variables such as the integrity and security of data, session management, (including the digital signature of the session,) storage of recharging sessions, and visualization of kWh values. All implementations must be tested by the German federal calibration authority Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) for final certification. Data Security

To ensure data integrity during EV charging sessions, Eichrecht has mandated the use of a unique public key. This key is used to enable secure communication between the charging station, the EV, and the central management system. This prevents unauthorized access to data, providing a secure and reliable charging experience. The public key can take the form of a QR code, allowing drivers to easily track energy consumption, time, and cost. With the use of secure signatures and encryption, charging stations can also generate invoices for drivers, providing a hassle-free and transparent billing process.

MID specifics

MID deals with ten types of measuring instruments and makes the manufacturer responsible for compliance under the supervision of a notified body prior to initial placing on the market (distribution) and putting into use (initial start-up) within the EU, after which national law applies. Compliance with MID involves application of strict measures starting from the design phase, including: • Meters must comply with Class B accuracy in the measurement of energy consumption (i.e., maximum error of 1% in the measurement of active energy.) • Meters must be correctly calibrated at the factory. • Meters must be sealed/sealable, assuring that configuration parameters established during installation have not been changed. • Meter manufacturing sites must be certified for the calibration of such equipment.


1. Eichrecht mainly cover Transparency and Precision +Data Security , MID covers ten type tests of measuring instruments

2. MID and Eichrecht complement each other, and when both are satisfied, the reliability of the product is stronger


The good news is that IVY METERING's mid approved single and three-phase EV charging meters, we have started to evaluate and prepare the German Eichrecht standard in response to the needs of our customers, if you are looking for newest power meter, energy monitor or power optimizer booster for your EV charger please contact us, you can also visit directly

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